Online Diving Course - Pay what you can
During these turbulent and challenging times, changes are occurring daily. Currently, it is hard to predict how long the Coronavirus is going to impact our world or when our lives will return to normal. Since we are ALL in this together, be assured that we have you covered to make the most of the current situation! We wanted to give you this great opportunity to learn more about diving while staying indoors with very affordable deal.
We miss diving as much as you do, so let us continue training and focus on the things we love while staying at home. No water, no problem – You have always wanted to dig a little deeper into the academics, but maybe never got the chance. Well, the Science of Diving course answers all your questions and much more.
Great news is that this course can be done from you home sofa using SSI´s state of art online learning system - knowledge reviews including final exam are all now online. We will not just sent you the link to study, but instead our instructor will give you a theory lesson in digital classroom to deepen your understanding about diving.
S.O.D course is required course for most SSI Dive Professional programs, as well as some Extended Range programs so if you are planning on becoming a dive pro one day this this course is very important for you.
What is Science of Diving programme all about?
- The S.O.D. gives you in-depth information about diving physics, physiology, environment and equipment
- It will develop a complete understanding of the underwater world and its effect on the human body
- Helps you to acquire the knowledge needed to begin your Professional Career
Who can enroll in the programme?
- Any certified diver of any recognized agency
5 x 40min online teaching
0-6,500 THB - Pay as much as you can.
We know some of you are also struggling with life right now, and some not so much, so we want to give you the freedom to choose to pay as much as your life situation allows right now. Your payment will go in full to your instructor.
The normal price for Science of Diving course is 6,500THB.
Once we know people who wish to participate, we will make the time to suit for everyone. Book your spot now, because this offer is valid only limited time.
Just send us email that you wish to participate and we will guide you through the process! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stay safe and keep your mind active, together we will get through this!
For those who think about career in diving, check also our blog post "Important attributes for dive professional"
Read more about our courses and why to choose Koh Tao Divers