Enriched air - Nitrox

SSI Nitrox - Enriched Air

Longer Bottom Times

Do you love exploring the underwater world but wish you could have more time to explore? Are you dreaming of extended ‘no decompression’ limits? If so, then this is the perfect course for you to learn how.

This popular specialty course is specifically designed to introduce and familiarize students with the benefits and diving procedures of using nitrox as a breathing gas. We will teach you how to plan and perform your dives and how to select the best possible mix of nitrogen and oxygen.

Nitrox is simply air with more oxygen in it, it will increase your available time underwater, increase your ‘no decompression’ limits, decrease your surface interval time and leave you feeling less tired as compared to diving with air.

You gain the biggest benefits from this course when combined with the SSI Deep Specialty. The nitrox course is land-based, and as such does not include dives unless combined with another course or fun dives. On this course you will learn to use and analyse enriched air as a breathing gas, to plan your dive and dive your plan with nitrox, and understand how nitrox affects you beneath the surface. 

    • Minimum age 10 years
    • Open Water Diver
    • If you clear the medical questionnaire with only “NO” answers, you can sign up. Please consult your physician if you get any “YES” answers before diving
    • 1 day
    • Theory
    • Online materials - Rental kit (Online access to the digital training materials 3 months prior the certification)
    • Digital certification
  • Download the SSI appNitrox course includes a rental kit version of the learning materials that can be used with internet browser 3 months prior to your certification. However, we recommend our students to upgrade their materials to diamond access. Benefits:

    • Download the SSI appLifetime Online & Offline access to the digital training materials
    • 2-year access to the Digital Divelog on the DiveSSI app
    • Downloadable to 3 different devices

    Upgrade to diamond access +1,000 THB / course

    If you change your mind later and want to upgrade to diamond access, please email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Come experience this!

Kohtaodiving Nightdive Sukelluskeskus Thaimaa
Kohtaodiving Nitroxdiver Sidemount Sukelluskoulu
Kohtaodiving Diveshop Thailand Ktd6
Kohtaodiving Diveshop Thailand Ktd Deepdiverspeciality
Kohtaodiving Diveshop Thailand Ktd Wreck Specialitycourse
Kohtaodiving Sidemountdiving Thailand

SSI Nitrox Specialty

  • 5.500 THB (dry course)

    7500 (with nitrox 2 dives)

  • 1.000 THB

Upon booking you are required to pay a deposit of 2000 THB.


Give us a shout

Office hours 9:00-18.00

Mob. +66860699244 (Whatsapp) 

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Photo credits to Fat Fish Movies, Anna Kekkonen, Irena Stangierska, Fredrik Lindblad and Mikko Paasi

Copyright 1987 - 2020 Koh Tao Divers. All rights reserved.
TAT license #34/01497